special project
Special project: contemporary art in universities of St.Petersburg

Universities as places of accumulation and transfer of knowledge - the main nodes of education - showcase the works of contemporary artists who, being on university territories, have reflected in one way or another the significance of these places in the general historical and cultural context. Three site-specific projects are located in three higher educational institutions of the city: in the Stieglitz State Academy of Arts and Design, The Herzen State Pedagogical University, and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. By combining a public art strategy with targeted interventions in the inner spaces of universities, several independent statements were created.

<Stieglitz State Academy of Arts and Design >

Aleksei Taruts

Aleksei Taruts’s personal exhibition was created specifically for the Gothic Hall of the Museum of Applied Arts of Stieglitz State Academy. The performative installation represents the situation of “two-worldness” where the tower prisons, by coincidence, serve as denotations of today’s escalation of social distancing. They embody and thus isolate from each other the main units of meaning of the exhibition, two sheets of graphics made by a student of the Stieglitz Academy.

These drawings are portraits of Aleksei Taruts painted by memory (the model posed for 1 minute) that demonstrate the skill of the author as a technological medium, an organic equivalent of a neural network which can reproduce or complete the image of a human face.

The separatedness of the portraits and the consequent impossibility to verify the images activate the dopplegänger mode when things are very similar but never the same, as they imply the impossibility of simultaneous existence. Entering one of the twin-towers, the visitor is prevented from seeing the whole picture but still takes it into account automatically launching memory operations. Both the place recognition and the role play give access to the inner logic of what is happening and therefore, is sealed by a 'subspace' stamp with a curator's hair on the rear doors.
Multiple conventiones enchant the space and charge every event with performative value. Everything here has the power of an irreversible gesture: the composition, the way of exhibiting, the way of reception. Aleksei Taruts motivates the viewer to enact his own method of arranging an exhibition – the apophenia of the present that leaves you no other choice but to gather all the existing fantastic facts into a coherent knowledge.

Curator: Anna Zavediy

The Museum of Applied arts of Stieglitz State Academy of Arts and Design
Solyanoy lane., 15
The permanent museum’s exhibition is a unique example of restoration of a former exhibition which included all the main trends in design of the end of XIX century. Visiting the permanent exhibition one can find works by the Stieglitz Academy’s students, as well as russian and european applied art.

Museum website
<Stieglitz State Academy of Arts and Design >
Educational Museum
The group show which displays works by the students of universities-associates of Curatorial Forum is devoted to the meaning of the expression “educational museum” and the relations between artefacts of time and history: what can museum’s objects “tell” visitors and what is its valid meaning without any chronological distance with the present.

The exhibition was created for Art-Weekend in the framework of the 2nd Curatorial Forum with an open call procedure. The following artist (students of Steiglitz Academy and Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design) were chosen.

Artists: Sophia Belova, Anastasia Verzhbitskya, Nadezhda Kazakovtseva, Ekaretina Kolosovskaya, Mikhail Pershko, Davis Skvortsov, Anna Chervonnaya, Ilya Shurinov, art-group “Blesk”.
Curators: Anna Zavediy, Kirill Spasskov

The Museum of Applied arts of Stieglitz State Academy of Arts and Design
Solyanoy lane., 15
The permanent museum’s exhibition is a unique example of restoration of a former exhibition which included all the main trends in design of the end of XIX century. Visiting the permanent exhibition one can find works by the Stieglitz Academy’s students, as well as russian and european applied art.

Museum website
<The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia >

Site-specific project about love

”Crush” means a romantic attraction, passion, the condition of being in love, which contrast with the second definition of the word – clash, strike, crack, rift.The college years here are understood not only as the educational process, but also as time of finding oneself through another (person), his or her (or their) words and actions. The works of the artists refer to strong emotions, contradictory feelings of euphoria and disappointment caused by romantic infatuation.

Artists: Vladimir Abikh, Evgeny Granilshchikov, Ekaterina Sokolovskaya
Cutaror: Anna Zavediy

Vladimir Abikh "words will be found" (mural).

The work “Words will be found” by Vladimir Abikh invites the viewer into a kind of game of unraveling the text. The act of looking/reading takes on a special procedure in which words flow from their signifying form to an abstraction and back.

Ekaterina Sokolovskaya, "Eyes", "Drop" from the project "Light touches", (glass, plastic)

Sculptures by Ekaterina Sokolovskaya represent emotional images of hovering in feelings: sculptures that are repelled by our sensations (sight, smell, touch) are suspended above the viewer in different spaces as obsessive affects.

Evgeny Granilshchikov (video)

Videowork by Evgeny Granilshikov represents the dreamlike existence: strange situations and dialogues in a nonlinear plot, all united by the theme of love and unbearableness, make us see not only what is in the film but actually showing us the procedure of shooting and directing in so-called 'behind-the-scene' frames.

Herzen University
As one of the oldest universities of Russia, Herzen University is a huge educational, research and cultural center with strong internal, as well as external connections. In the university both traditions and innovations blend in together, bearing the possibility to grow high-qualified professionals, with the skills which meet the challenges of the modern world.
Kazanskaya st.,6 go through the turnstile, turn left through the park to the main building

University website
<Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University>

site-specific interventions in the Polytechnic park and in the university’s campus called “Technopolis-Polytech” includes AR-project “THERMIN” devoted to Leon Theremin, the inventor of theremin, who was the “forefather” of electronic music and a sculpture called “BIG EYES".
Artists: Yan Posadsky, Oleg Soroko, Ekaterina Sokolovskaya
Curator: Anna Zevediy

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Polytekhnicheskaya st., 29

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) is one of the leading polytechnic universities in the country, a national research university. The Polytechnic University is a competitive research and educational center that integrates world-class multidisciplinary research and technology and is one of the world's leading universities

University website